Photo Page:
this page will include pics of SKITZOCHANT, RWAV, SOULSHED
So many nights of drinking at the Foster wind up here!
This is Cassie, she plays keys for Skitzochant
Monkey, er, John, Skitzochant's drummer
Bob SKITZOCHANT's guitarist
Josh Lee, the new guitarist of Soulshed!
Lenny From RWAV
Yet Again Lenny
Ian From RWAV...Best Damned Drunken Guitar Player
If you see this drunk...pat him on the head and call him "Gimp"
Pats A Bitch, Pats A Bitch
Patrick From RWAV...Can You Play The Drums Drunk??? I didnt think so
Shane From RWAV
Shane Standing Tall
This si Jeff formerly of RWAV
This also is Jeff Former RWAV guitarist
PikaJeff Another piece of work
Big John Stud...Scary Eh?
Lisa and Erik...RWAV's Biggest fan and Erik's Just Erik
Soulsheds Group Pic
Josh from Soulshed--They kick ass!
Danny, Soulsheds Drummer
Rick, the mastermind of Soulshed
Rick and Nelson at a show
Patrick from RWAV, Angie, and Rick from Soulshed