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Fav. Saying Page

My favorite sayings i've picked up along the way

~Fucking people man
~Well now, doesn't that just kick the donkey in the nuts???
~I didn't mean to fuck your pussy cat, but I did it anyway
(Lenny, RWAV)
~What a bitch...oh oh oh
(Ian, RWAV)
~Wanna go have a you-know-what behind the you-know-where?
~Hey, drink your own soda
~Bring it
(The Rock, WWF)
(Lisa Duckworth)
(L. Duckworth)
~I'm so cute
~That was a little like good sex, wasn't it?
(Dez, Coal Chamber)
~You can take the guy out of the Elvis, but the Elvis won't come out of the guy, guy
~See me hit you, you fall down
(Hed P.E.)
~Don't hate the playa, just hate me
~Eeeewwww, that was gross, I'm leakin'!
~Teflon frying pans and those helmets with the beer cans attatched rule and shoelaces are way too under-appreciated
(Paulie, RWAV)
~It's true, oh, it's DAMN true
(Kurt Angle, WWF)
~You know, that guy, from that band, the ones with the hair...they sing that song...
~I had a thought, but I lost it. Too bad, I don't have many thoughts, LoL
~We gotta look for some sauce, man!
~Stop that, stop that right now!
~Here'ths a gay lion-roar
(Big Gay Al, "South Park")
~Why did we just have a big conversation about an apple on a spring? I wasn't making it a conversation, I was just asking
~Kid, what the fuck's wrong with you?
~Have you ever been beat up by a tooth fairy?
~Bon Jovi's black, and Micheal Jackson is Jewish
~Sean Connery is the Stuff-Muffin
(Crys & Lisa)
~Fuckin Crystal man
~Are you obsessed with chicken heads and cocks?
~Fish heads, fish heads, rolley-pollie fish heads, fish heads, fish heads, eat 'em up, YUM!
(Song Crys found)
~There was a reason I fell in that puddle
~Where are my pants?
~That kid's a little bitch
~I wrinkle easily in the water
~A four foot tall little cute guy
(Me and Crys)
~NO HEH!!! NO HEH!!!!
~Was it good for you?
~What do you feel special, you want a cookie?
~I don't like the drugs and they don't like me either, but I do 'em anyway
~She could eat the rest of the pan, did you know that Crys? She could eat the damn pan!
~I know a certain kitty that's sleeping with mommy tonight
(Cartman's mom, "South Park")
~Pussy, meow
~Andy was a cock-suck. Andy? Who needs Andy for that?
~I'm a little tea-pot, short and stout...Here is my handle, touch me and I'll kill you
~Hey mista-mista
~You cock-smooch!
~"Is this Limp Bizkit?" "No, it's N*Sync" "These guys fucking rule, they're my new favorite band!"
(Conversation between me and Crys)
~Randy man, just shut the fuck up
~Macaroni is such a funny word
~Porn stars are skating grinds, not people
~The snack that smiles back, until you bite their heads off
(Goldfish commercial)
~How I wish, I wish I hadn't killed that fish
~Cock sucka bro
(Mike, Danny & Josh)
~Good for you bro
(Josh, Soulshed)
~Anger only covers up the hurt
(L. Duckworth)
~Good for us
(Danny, Soulshed)
~Don't be a teabag
(Josh, Soulshed)
~No worries
(Marion Shoosmith)
~Fuck me up the ass with my pants on backwards on the john
~Fuck me up the ass
~I fucked up on the date 'cause I thought today was yesterday or tomorrow or something like that
~I like N*Sync, they're not fags. 2gether is cool.
~The mask that you wore, my fingers would explore
(Jim Morrison)
~A natural leader, a poet, a Shaman, with the soul of a clown
(J. Morrison)
~Indian's scattered on Dawn's highway bleeding. Ghosts crowd the young child's fragile eggshell mind
(J. Morrison)
~I was a fool & the smartest kid in class
(J. Morrison)
~Heaven or Hell, the circus of your actions
(J. Morrison)
~The hounds of hell will devour your soul
(The Undertaker, WWF)
~When next you want to kill someone, think of how lucky you are that you aren't that someone
(Gavin Rossdale)
~When there is an original sound in the world it makes a hundred echoes
(John A. Shed)
~Drugs are a bet with your mind
(J. Morrison)
~Pleasure and pain: one in the same
(Blood Magick)
~Just because we wear makeup doesn't mean we can't kick your ass
(Nikki Sixx)
~When you are suffering, know that I have betrayed you
(Marilyn Manson)
~When all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed
(M. Manson)
~She was such a trip. She was hardly there. But I loved her just the same
(J. Morrison)
~I think we consider too much the good luck of the early bird, and not enough the bad luck of the early worm
(Franklin D. Roosevelt)
~Let us go in, the fog is rising
(Emily Dickinson)
~Don't talk about yourself, it will be done when you leave
(Wilson Mizner)
~She has the reputation of being outspoken--by no one
(Jack Paar)
~We must try to find a new answer instead of a way
(J. Morrison)
~Being drunk is a good disguise
(J. Morrison)
~A new ax to my head: posession. I create my own sword
(J. Morrison)
~The problem of money: guilt. Do I deserve it?
(J. Morrison)
~Back in those days everything was simpler and more confused
(J. Morrison)
~Alas! How miserable life is, after all!
(Arthur Rimbaud)
~If you only knew how fucking silly you look with that herring in your hand!
(A. Rimbaud)
~It is nothing: I am here; I am still here
(A. Rimbaud)
~We live, we die, and death not ends it
(J. Morrison)
~You are all fucking slaves
(J. Morrison)
~not even a cake...cut it out of every calendar...this day has never existed....neither have I....
~There are three kinds of people: those who can count, and those who can't
(Mr. Looney)
~Light a candle for the sinners, set the world on fire
(M. Manson)
~Burn down the everything blister and die
~Hatred runs through me marrow deep. I long to tear your eyes out in your sleep
(Stabbing Westward)
~I dont believe in anything sacred, so why do I feel so damn alone?
(Stabbing Westward)
~Quack, quack, quack to all of you argumentative people
(Lee-Ann Corbett)
~A closed mouth attracts no feet
(Julie Tremaine)
~Emptiness is lonliness and lonliness is cleanliness and cleanliness is godliness and god is empty, just like me
(Smashing Pumpkins)
~Life without lightbulbs: dark
(Ms. Wilson)
~If I'm not back by midnight, feed my gold fish
(David Duchovny, "X-Files")
~It can't rain all the time
(The Crow)
~Edgar Allan Poe was a freakin nut!
(Moses Mcdermott)
~As long as there's no scary old guy on your box then you're ok
~Watch out for foreign objects arount the exit areas of your body....bring butt plugs!!
~Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me, either, just leave me alone!